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Indicator 6: Result of GBEP Sustainaibility Indicators for BioEnergy in Vietnam. Enviromental Pillar. In: Sustaibility of Biogas and Cassava-Based Ethanol Value Chains in Vietnam
Tác giả: Viện Môi trường Nông nghiệp
Working paper 69. Results and Recommendations from Implementaion of the Global Bioenergy Partnership indicators (Edited by Tizina Pirelli, Andrea Rossi and Contance Miller) Environment and Natural Resources Management. FAO, 2018. ISBN 978-92-5-130504-1. P
Indicator 5: Water Use and Efficiency. Result of GBEP Sustainaibility Indicators for BioEnergy in Vietnam. Enviromental Pillar. In: Sustaibility of Biogas and Cassava-Based Ethanol Value Chains in Vietnam.
Tác giả: Viện Môi trường Nông nghiệp
Working paper 69. Results and Recommendations from Implementaion of the Global Bioenergy Partnership indicators (Edited by Tizina Pirelli, Andrea Rossi and Contance Miller) Environment and Natural Resources Management. FAO, 2018. ISBN 978-92-5-130504-1. P
Indicator 3: Harvest levels of wood resources. Result of GBEP Sustainaibility Indicators for BioEnergy in Vietnam. Enviromental Pillar. In: Sustaibility of Biogas and Cassava-Based Ethanol Value Chains in Vietnam
Tác giả: Viện Môi trường Nông nghiệp
Working paper 69. Results and Recommendations from Implementaion of the Global Bioenergy Partnership indicators (Edited by Tizina Pirelli, Andrea Rossi and Contance Miller). Environment and Natural Resources Management. FAO, 2018. ISBN 978-92-5-130504-1.
Indicator 2: Soil Quality. Result of GBEP Sustainaibility Indicators for BioEnergy in Vietnam. Enviromental Pillar. In: Sustaibility of Biogas and Cassava-Based Ethanol Value Chains in Vietnam.
Tác giả: Viện Môi trường Nông nghiệp
Working paper 69. Results and Recommendations from Implementaion of the Global Bioenergy Partnership indicators (Edited by Tizina Pirelli, Andrea Rossi and Contance Miller). Environment and Natural Resources Management. FAO, 2018. ISBN 978-92-5-130504-1.
Identification, Structural Characterization and Gene Expression Analysis of Members of the Nuclear Factor-Y Family in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under Dehydration and Abscisic Acid Treatments",
Tác giả: Viện Di truyền Nông nghiệp
Int J Mol Sci ,19(11), 1-15
Identification of Vietnamese Native Dendrobium Species Based on Ribosomal DNA Internal Transcribed Spacer Sequence
Tác giả: Viện Di truyền Nông nghiệp
Advanced Studies in Biology, Vol. 10, 2018, no. 1, 1 - 12 HIKARI Ltd, www.m-hikari.com https://doi.org/10.12988/asb.2018.7823
Genome-Wide Identification of the TCP Transcription Factor Family in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) and Their Transcriptional Responses to Dehydration and Exogenous Abscisic Acid Treatments
Tác giả: Viện Di truyền Nông nghiệp
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, DOI: 10.1007/s00344-018-9859-y
Evaluation of genetic diversity of local – colored rice landraces in Vietnam using SSR markers
Tác giả: Trung tâm Tài nguyên thực vật
Tạp chí International Letters of Natural Sciences ISSN: 2300-9675, Vol. 67, pp 24-34;doi:10.18052/www.scipress.com/ILNS.67.24
Evaluating salt tolerance of some elite rice varieties in the coastal regions of Nam Dinh province
Tác giả: Trung tâm Chuyển giao công nghệ và Khuyến nông
No 1(3). 2018
Efficiently use of crop residues to produce energy and to enhance soil carbon sequestration as climate smart practices in rural areas of Viet Nam
Tác giả: Viện Môi trường Nông nghiệp
Tạp chí Tiếng Anh Vaas
Effects of some microelements on antifungal activity and biomass of the Actinomyces producing Validamycin-A
Tác giả: Viện Môi trường Nông nghiệp
Journal of Vietnamese Environment. Vol.9, No. 1-5, June 2018
Effect of Polyhalite on Tea Productivity and Quality on Basaltic Soil in Lam Dong, Vietnam
Tác giả: Viện Thổ nhưỡng Nông hóa
International Journal of Science and Research (ISI), 2018. DOI: 10.21275/ART20179475, 9 (1): 832-834
Developing investment plan for low emission denvelopment interventions from rice production in Vietnam's Nationally Determined Contributions
Tác giả: Viện Môi trường Nông nghiệp
Proceeddings of Internatioanl Confference on Agriculltủral GHG emission and Food Security- Connecting research to policy and practices. 10-13/9/2018 in Berlin, Germany. pp: 66
Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Child Care Centers by Thermal Desorption Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
Tác giả: Missouri University
Anal. Methods, Advance Article in Royal Academy of Chemistry.10: 687-689
Crop nutrition for Vietnamese Robusta Coffee
Tác giả: Viện Thổ nhưỡng Nông hóa
Better Crops/Vol.102(2018.No3)
Conservation, exploitation and use of the Zingiberaceae at the National Plant Resources center of Vietnam
Tác giả: Trung tâm Tài nguyên thực vật
8th International Zingiberales Symposium 23-27 July 2018. Tr 89-90
Collaborative Exploration of the Vegetable Genetic Resources in Vietnam, 2017
Tác giả: Trung tâm Tài nguyên thực vật
Online edition: ISSN 2434-7485
Chapter 13: country scoping and prioritization studies on FSF (Viet Nam) P15
Tác giả: Trung tâm Tài nguyên thực vật
FAO. 2018. FUTURE SMART FOOD Rediscovering hidden treasures of neglected and underutilized species for Zero Hunger in Asia, Executive summary, Bangkok, 36 pp Editors Xuan Li and Kadambot H.M. Siddique Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation
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